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Building Hope ‐ Transforming Lives
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Songea's Kids
An all-volunteer, nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans and vulnerable children in southern Tanzania.

Songea's Kids 101: Why, what and how!

This video gives a brief overview of Songea's Kids, an all-volunteer, nonprofit, dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans, vulnerable children and their communities in one of the poorest regions of Tanzania. It shows how we work with local Tanzanian partners to provide these children a safe, nurturing environment with access to education to gain the knowledge, skills and expertise for a bright future.

There are many happy, successful children due to the work of Songea's Kids and our partners. Please watch! We hope you'll help us BUILD HOPE & TRANSFORM LIVES.

These Kids Need Sponsors

There are many children who need sponsors for their Basic Needs, their Education, or both.

Basic Needs sponsors provide their child food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, supplies. The basics of life so they can grow, play and learn. It gives a solid foundation for education.

With Education, a child has the opportunity for a successful, self-supporting life. Education is the key to getting a trade, a career, a profession. Education is fundamental to lifting children out of poverty.

Many chidlren are successful and self-supporting today because of their sponsor. Please become a sponsor. Click the button below and give one of our children's a future.

Songea Soiree: October 26th, 6-9pm, Register Now!

2024 Songea Soiree Logo

Join us for an inspiring evening to support orphans and vulnerable children in Tanzania! Together we will raise funds to provide nurturing homes, nutritious food, clean water, health care and education to children in urgent need in southern Tanzania.

Enjoy a fun-filled reception, hors d'oeuvres, plated dinner, and complimentary wine.

Marriott Redmond Town Center
7401 164th Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052

Songea's Kids Overview

Click a card to learn more.

Child Sponsorship
Smiling little boys.

Sponsoring a child can save and transform a life! Our sponsorship program focuses on the individual needs of each child. All children receive nurturing homes, nutritious food, clothing, health care and education. Children with special needs receive additional support tailored to their circumstances so they can live their best lives.

Smiling little boy.

We recognize that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Each child in our program is supported from pre-primary through secondary school or vocational training, and several have graduated from college and university. When graduating from our program, each young adult has the knowledge, skills and ability to build a bright future.

Smiling little boy.

Songea's Kids helps build the infrastructure and develop the economic opportunity for the local villages. Improving the community will make a better living environment and provide badly needed income through gainful employment. With our partners, we have drilled wells, installed sanitation systems, built houses, and started enterprises.

Smiling little boy.

Early diagnosis and treatment prevent infant, childhood and maternal deaths from such illnesses as malaria, typhoid, cholera, and HIV/AIDs. The Hope Village Rotary Health Care Center was built through donations to Songea's Kids and provides comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment for 1200 villagers each year. This year we are adding the first dentistry services in the region.

Hope Village
Smiling little boy.

Hope Village is envisioned to become a thriving residential community for orphans and vulnerable children. To date, we have opened the Rotary Health Care Dispensary, the Masonry Vocational Training Classroom, and installed infrastructure for clean water and electricity. This fall, we will open the first residential orphan house that will become a nurturing home to 24 children.

Smiling little boy.

Songea's Kids arranges a Friends-to-Friends Trip annually to connect sponsors, donors, and interested parties with the children and our Tanzanian partners. Our next trip will be in September 2024. We will soon be taking reservations. In the meantime, click or tap to learn more about the 2023 trip from the video highlights.

Songea's Kids − Caring for Vulnerable Children

Songea's Kids with our partners continues to address the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in the Ruvuma region of southern Tanzania. In addition to the already successful foster care program, we are adding residential housing for orphans and vulnerable children that have no foster care options. We will complete and open one duplex house in late 2023 and begin construction of a second duplex in the second half of 2023. We continue to build the vision of Hope Village. Watch to learn the progress that has been made at Hope Village, and the ways that you can help our children.

2023 Songea's Kids Accomplishments

Help us achieve more in 2024!